Welcome to use the percent to fraction calculator, where you can easily convert percentages into fractions. If you want to convert fractions into percentages, you can use our other calculator: fraction to percent calculator.
How to convert percentages to fractions?
According to the definition of a percentage, we can know that a percentage is a special fraction with a denominator of 100, so to convert a percentage to a number, just divide the percentage by 100. Pay attention to reduce the numerator and denominator.
Solved examples using percent to fraction calculator
What is 15 percent as a fraction?
To convert 15% to fraction, just enter 15 into the input box and click calculate button. You will see that the answer of 15% as a fraction is 320.

What is 60 percent as a fraction?
To convert 60% to fraction, just enter 60 into the input box and click calculate button. You will see that the answer of 60% as a fraction is 35.

What is 125 percent as a fraction?
To convert 125% to fraction, just enter 125 into the input box and click calculate button. You will see that the answer of 125% as a fraction is 54. Expressed as a mixed fraction is 114.

Of course, the whole process requires certain mathematical knowledge. If you find it troublesome, it is recommended to directly use the percent to fraction calculator we provided above.
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