As we all know, the addition of fractions is not the same as the addition of integers. You cannot add two fractions directly. It is necessary to consider whether the denominators are the same. If the denominators are not the same, first convert the denominator to the same number. When the denominator changes, the numerator also changes accordingly. Therefore, a free online sum of fractions calculator is necessary.
Solved examples using sum of fractions calculator
Same denominator
For example 1/8 + 3/8
- Input 1 in the first numerator input box.
- Input 8 in the first denominator input box.
- Input 3 in the second numerator input box.
- Input 8 in the second denominator input box.
1/8 + 3/8
= 4/8
= 1/2

Different denominators
For example 1/5 + 1/8
- Input 1 in the first numerator input box.
- Input 5 in the first denominator input box.
- Input 1 in the second numerator input box.
- Input 8 in the second denominator input box.
1/5 + 1/8
= 8/40 + 5/40
= 13/40

Proper fraction plus improper fraction
For example 1/5 + 7/6
- Input 1 in the first numerator input box.
- Input 5 in the first denominator input box.
- Input 7 in the second numerator input box.
- Input 6 in the second denominator input box.
1/5 + 7/6
= 6/30 + 35/30
= 41/30

Improper fraction plus improper fraction
3/2 + 8/5
For example 3/2 + 8/5
- Input 3 in the first numerator input box.
- Input 2 in the first denominator input box.
- Input 8 in the second numerator input box.
- Input 5 in the second denominator input box.
3/2 + 8/5
= 15/10 + 16/10
= 31/10

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