Square Triangular Number Checker is a free online tool used to check if the given number is a square triangular number.
What is a square triangular number?
A square triangular number (also called triangular square number) is an integer which is both a perfect square and a triangular number.
For example, 36 is a square triangular number.
Since 36 = 6 * 6, it is a perfect square.
With the triangular number calculator, we can know that 36 is a triangular number.
So, 36 is a square triangular number.
First 10 square triangular numbers
- 1
- 36
- 1225
- 41616
- 1413721
- 48024900
- 1631432881
- 55420693056
- 1882672131025
- 63955431761796
How to use the square triangular number checker
The procedure to use the square triangular number checker is as follows:
- Enter the positive integer.
- Click Calculate button to verify whether the input integer is a square triangular number.
- Click the Reset button to start a new verification.
Solved examples using the Padovan number checker
Example 1: Is 144 a square triangular number?
Enter 144 into the input box and click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, 144 is not a square triangular number.

Example 2: Is 41616 a square triangular number?
Enter 41616 into the input box and click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, 41616 is a square triangular number.

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