The ratio to fraction calculator is something online; a tool, which is used to show the conversion of ratio into the most simplified form of fraction. This tool is easy to use, makes fast calculations and also displays the conversion in just a fraction of seconds. The online tool functions whether ratios are comparing a number to a whole, or comparing two numbers.
In Math, Ratio to Fraction means that ratio is converted into fraction, in its simplified form. It should be understood that the ratio is the relationship between two quantities and most often represented as a fraction. Both the ratio and fraction has two parts: the numerator and denominator.
The two numbers in the ratio are parted by the colon sign (:), like for example, 2:3 and read as “two is to three” or “two per three”. Meanwhile, the numbers in a fraction are separated by a fraction bar (—), like for example, 23, and read as “two third”.
How to convert a ratio to a fraction
A ratio is no different from a fraction. They mean the same thing, only they are expressed in different ways. The two are very closely linked to the point that they can be interchangeably used.
Converting Ratio to Fraction can be done in two different ways. One method is part to whole, and the other is part to part ratio.
To Convert Part to Whole Ratio to Fraction
A part to whole ratio is the relationship between the subset and the whole set. For example, there are six kids playing in the park and 2 have left for home. The ratio of the kids who left compared to the total number of kids will be 2:6. To convert it into fraction you simply place the number of kids who left (2) as the numerator, and the total number of kids (6) as the denominator, thus 26. It will be like this:
Example: Convert ratio 2:6 into fraction
Solution: Ratio 2:6 can be simply transformed into Fraction as 26.
To Convert Part to Part Ratio to Fraction
A part to part ratio is the relationship of two subsets in a set. This is converted to 2 fractions, each one equal to the part to whole ratio. To do this, you need to add the numbers in the ratio to find the denominator that you will write at the bottom of the two fractions. The numbers on the ratio will be written as the numerator.
Example: Convert the ratio of 2 kids who left and 4 kids who stayed in the park to fraction.
- find the denominator by adding 2 and 4 (2+4=6). Six is the denominator.
- Place individual parts of the ratio above the denominator
Kids who left 26
Kids who stayed 46
Thus, 26 of the kids left and 46 of the kids stayed. Because these numbers are divisible by 2, the fractions can be further reduced to 13 and 23, respectively.
How to Use the Ratio to Fraction Calculator
The process of using the ratio to fraction calculator is very simple and will help you get the results easily. Please just follow the instructions below:
- Enter the ratio of numbers in the input field or Ratio Box (“Ratio value 1” and “Ratio value 2”) at the top of the tool. Both integers or decimals can be entered in the Ratio values. As in the above example 2:6, you will enter 2 and 6.
- Press the Calculate Button. The tool will do the calculations depending on your input, after which a simplified fraction will be shown to you, include part to whole and part to part.
- Clear the field by hitting the Reset Button, and you can enter new set of values.

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