The Percentage of Percentages Calculator is used to calculate the percentage based on two or more percentages. Or for calculating the value of two or more percentages of a number.
How to calculate the percentage of percentages?
In fact, this question is very simple, just remember a rule: of means to multiply. Just multiply all the percentages together.
For example, what is 20% of 30%?
Replace of with multiplication sign.
20% * 30% = 0.2 * 0.3 = 0.06 = 6%
So, 20% of 30% is 6%.
More percentages. What is 50% of 20% of 60% of 80%?
Still operate according to the rules. Replace of with multiplication sign.
50% * 20% * 60% * 80% = 0.5 * 0.2 * 0.6 * 0.8 = 0.048 = 4.8%
Thus, 50% of 20% of 60% of 80% is 4.8%.
How to calculate the percentage of percentages of a number?
Above, we have calculated the percentage of percentages.
Now, we want to calculate the percentage of percentages of a number, the above rules still apply.
For example, what is 20% of 30% of 120?
Replace of with multiplication sign.
20% * 30% * 120 = 0.2 * 0.3 * 120 = 7.2
So, 20% of 30% of 120 is 7.2.
You can verify step by step.
30% of 120 is 30% * 120 = 0.3 * 120 = 36
20% of 36 is 20% * 36 = 0.2 * 36 = 7.2
Consistent with the above results.
It’s easy to go wrong in three places.
- One, to convert the percentage to a decimal, divide by 100 or use a conversion tool.
- Second, convert the decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100 and append the percent sign.
- Third, if calculate the percentage of percentages, the result is also a percentage. If calculate the percentage of percentages of a number, the result is still a number.
The free calculators on the page are highly recommended, multiple percentages can be separated by comma or space.
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