Welcome to the Percentage Calculator. Various percentages can be easily calculated here, including the following 9 cases
- X is what percent of Y
- What percent of X is Y
- Percentage Increase
- Percentage Decrease
- Percentage Difference
- Percentage Change
- Plus What Percent
- Minus What Percent
- Percent Error
Read on to learn how each percentage is calculated.
X is what percent of Y
The formula for X is what percent of Y is
P% = XY
Among them, X and Y are known numbers, P is to be calculated.
This is the most basic formula for percentage calculation, and all percentage calculations are inseparable from this.
To calculate the percentage, divide X by Y to get the decimal value, then convert the decimal to percent by multiplying by 100.
For example: 5 is what percent of 25? (5 out of 25 is What Percent?)
Calculation steps:
- Substitute the values into the formula: P% = 525
- Calculate the result of 5 divided by 25: 525 = 0.2
- Convert the decimal to percent: P% = 0.2 * 100 = 20%
- So, the percentage is 20%.
5 is 20% of 25.
What Percent of X is Y
Similar to above, only the numbers change position, the formula is
P% = YX
Here, X and Y are given numbers, and X is greater than Y. P is the result to be calculated.
For example: What Percent of 150 is 90?
Calculation steps:
- Put X = 150 and Y = 90 into the formula: P% = 90150
- Convert fraction to decimal: 90150 = 35 = 0.6
- Convert decimal to percent: P% = 0.6 * 100 = 60%
- So, the percentage is 60%.
60% of 150 is 90.
Percentage Increase/Decrease
Percentage Increase
A percentage increase is a case of a percentage change, the formula is
P% = Y – XX
Here, X and Y are given numbers, and Y is greater than X. If Y is less than X, it means a percentage decrease.
For example: What is the percentage increase from 32 to 40?
Calculation steps:
- Substitute X = 32 and Y = 40 into the formula: P% = 40 – 3232
- Calculate the value of the expression on the right: 40 – 3232 = 832 = 0.25
- Convert decimal to percent: P% = 0.25 * 100 = 25%
- So, the percentage increase is 25%.
32 increased 25% is 40.
Percentage Decrease
The percentage increase corresponds to the percentage decrease, and its formula is the same as the percentage increase.
P% = Y – XX
Among them, X and Y are given numbers, and Y is less than X.
Typically, percentage decreases are expressed as negative numbers.
For example: What is the percentage decrease from 40 to 32?
Calculation steps:
- Substitute X = 40 and Y = 32 into the formula: P% = 32 – 4040
- Calculate the value of the expression on the right: 32 – 4040 = -840 = -0.2
- Convert decimal to percent: P% = -0.2 * 100 = -20%
- So, the percentage decrease is -20%.
40 decreased 20% is 32.
Percentage Difference
The percent difference is the calculation of the difference between two numbers, expressed as a percentage. The result is a positive number regardless of the order of the numbers. The formula for the percentage difference is
P% = |X – Y||X + Y|2 * 100
Here, X and Y represent two numbers.
For example: What is the percentage difference between 80 and 200?
Calculation steps:
- Calculate the absolute difference between these two numbers: |80 – 200| = 120
- Calculate the average of these two numbers: 80 + 2002 = 2802 = 140
- Calculate the percentage difference. Substitute the values from Step 1 and Step 2 into the formula. P% = 120140 * 100 = 67 * 100 = 85.7%
- So, the percentage difference is 85.7%
The percentage difference between 80 and 200 is 85.7%.
Percentage Change
Percentage change is an umbrella term for percentage increase and percentage decrease. The formula for the percentage change is
P% = Y – XX * 100
Among them, Y represents the new value and X represents the old value.
Usually, if the percent change result is positive, it means a percentage increase. If negative, it means a percentage decrease.
For example: Apple’s price rises from $5 to $6, what is the percentage change?
Calculation steps:
- Calculate the difference between the new value and the old value: 6 – 5 = 1.
- Divide the difference by the old value. 15 = 0.2
- Convert decimal to percent: P% = 0.2 * 100 = 20%
Therefore, the percentage change is 20%. This means that the price has increased and the percentage has increased by 20%.
Another example: the price of the stock drops from $100 to $85, what is the percentage change?
Calculation steps:
- Calculate the difference between new value and old value: 85 – 100 = -15.
- Divide the difference by the old value. -15100 = -0.15
- Convert decimal to percent: P% = -0.15 * 100 = -15%
Therefore, the percentage change is -15%. This means that the price has dropped by a percentage of 15%.
Plus What Percent
X plus what percent is Y? This is an interesting question and one that is frequently encountered. For example, if you invested $500,000, and now you need to invest $600,000, what percentage should you add?
How to solve it?
Suppose the percentage is P%, so we can get an equation.
X + X * P% = Y
Simplify the equation.
X + X * P% = Y
X(1 + P%) = Y
1 + P% = YX
P% = YX – 1
P% = Y – XX
So, X plus what percent is Y formula is
P% = Y – XX
Among them, X is the initial value and Y is the final value.
For example: 50 plus what percent is 60?
Calculation steps:
- Calculate the difference between final value and initial value: 60 – 50 = 10.
- Divide the difference by the initial value. 1050 = 0.2
- Multiply with 100 to obtain the Percentage result. P% = 0.2 * 100 = 20%.
Thus, 50 plus 20% is 60.
Minus What Percent
If there is a plus percentage, there is a minus percentage.
X minus what percent is Y?
Let the percentage be P%.
X – X * P% = Y
X (1 – P%) = Y
1 – P% = YX
P% = 1 – YX
P% = X – YX
So, the formula for X minus what percent is Y is
P% = X – YX
Here, X is the initial value and Y is the final value.
For example: 30 minus what percent is 18?
Calculation steps:
- Calculate the difference between the final value and the initial value: 30 – 18 = 12.
- Divide the difference by the initial value. 1230 = 0.4
- Change the decimal to Percentage by multiplying with 100. P% = 0.4 * 100 = 40%.
Therefore, 30 minus 40% is 18.
Percent Error
Percentage error refers to the error expressed as a percentage. The percentage error formula is
P% = |Y – X|X * 100
Among them, Y is the observed value and X is the true value.
For example: a party where 50 people are expected to come, but only 40, so what is the percentage error?
Calculation steps:
- In here, the observed value is Y = 50, the true value is X = 40
- Calculate the absolute difference between two numbers: |50 – 40| = 10
- Divide the absolute difference by the true value. 1040 = 0.25
- Multiply by 100 to get the percentage error. P% = 0.25 * 100 = 25%
So, the percentage error is 25%.
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