Pell Number Checker is a free online tool used to check if the given number is a Pell number.
What is a Pell number?
Pell numbers is an infinite sequence of integers similar to Fibonacci numbers. They can be defined by the recurrence relation:
The formula for Pell numbers is
The Pell numbers can be approximated to the proportional powers of 1 + √ 2, which is called as the silver ratio.
Pell numbers are useful in approximation of square roots of two. They are also useful to find square triangular numbers. Certain combinatorial enumeration problems also need Pell numbers.
First 100 Pell numbers
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 5
- 12
- 29
- 70
- 169
- 408
- 985
- 2378
- 5741
- 13860
- 33461
- 80782
- 195025
- 470832
- 1136689
- 2744210
- 6625109
- 15994428
- 38613965
- 93222358
- 225058681
- 543339720
- 1311738121
- 3166815962
- 7645370045
- 18457556052
- 44560482149
- 107578520350
- 259717522849
- 627013566048
- 1513744654945
- 3654502875938
- 8822750406821
- 21300003689580
- 51422757785981
- 124145519261542
- 299713796309065
- 723573111879672
- 1746860020068409
- 4217293152016490
- 10181446324101389
- 24580185800219268
- 59341817924539925
- 143263821649299118
- 345869461223138161
- 835002744095575440
- 2015874949414289041
- 4866752642924153522
- 11749380235262596085
- 28365513113449345692
- 68480406462161287469
- 165326326037771920630
- 399133058537705128729
- 963592443113182178088
- 2326317944764069484905
- 5616228332641321147898
- 13558774610046711780701
- 32733777552734744709300
- 79026329715516201199301
- 190786436983767147107902
- 460599203683050495415105
- 1111984844349868137938112
- 2684568892382786771291329
- 6481122629115441680520770
- 15646814150613670132332869
- 37774750930342781945186508
- 91196316011299234022705885
- 220167382952941249990598278
- 531531081917181734003902441
- 1283229546787304717998403160
- 3097990175491791170000708761
- 7479209897770887057999820682
- 18056409971033565286000350125
- 43592029839838017630000520932
- 105240469650709600546001391989
- 254072969141257218722003304910
- 613386407933224037990008001809
- 1480845785007705294702019308528
- 3575077977948634627394046618865
- 8631001740904974549490112546258
- 20837081459758583726374271711381
- 50305164660422142002238655969020
- 121447410780602867730851583649421
- 293199986221627877463941823267862
- 707847383223858622658735230185145
- 1708894752669345122781412283638152
- 4125636888562548868221559797461449
- 9960168529794442859224531878561050
- 24045973948151434586670623554583549
- 58052116426097312032565778987728148
- 140150206800346058651802181530039845
- 338352530026789429336170142047807838
- 816855266853924917324142465625655521
- 1972063063734639263984455073299118880
- 4760981394323203445293052612223893281
- 11494025852381046154570560297746905442
- 27749033099085295754434173207717704165
How to use the Pell number checker
The procedure to use the Pell number checker is as follows:
- Enter the positive integer.
- Click Calculate button to verify whether the input integer is a Pell number.
- Click the Reset button to start a new verification.
Solved examples using the Pell number checker
Example 1: Is 2030 a Pell number?
Enter 2030 into the input box and click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, 2030 is not a Pell number.

Example 2: Is 13860 a Pell number?
Enter 13860 into the input box and click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, 13860 is a Pell number.

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