Not Equal Symbol

While learning any language or system, we start from the basic and simplest unit of that thing. Let's say English; if you wants to learn it, you should first know its alphabets and later how they join to make a mean.

Similarly, while dealing with mathematics, one should learn about the symbols and their utilization during calculations. Besides many common symbols like multiplication (×), addition (+), subtraction (-), and division (÷), not equal sign (≠) is one of the basic signs in math. The significance of knowledge of not equal sign, its various forms, its usage, and more vital how to type it in different software and situations can't be neglected in this modern era.

Not Equal Sign In Mathematics

Amongst the commonly seen, heard, and used symbols and signs in maths, not equal symbol is one of them. Recorde is the first person who introduced the unequal symbol. At first, he developed the equal sign, and then by making some changes to them, he introduced this not equal sign. That's why it is often defined as the variation on the equal sign. In mathematics, this symbol is used to show the un-equality between two values and things.

However, the not equal sign is used in a wide range of situations and equations, but we will discuss few examples to understand it more clearly.

10 ≠ 12 shows that 10 is not equal to 12.

This s a simple sign, and there is nothing technical to understand.

How To Type A Not-Equal Sign

Codes Of The Not Equal Sign

Alt CodeAlt 8800
ASCII Code8800
Hex Code≠
HTML Code≠
CSS Code\2260
HTML Entity≠

Different Forms Of Not Equal Symbol

In mathematics, sometimes we use different signs in different situations, but the meaning and primary purposes are co-relevant or the same. Similarly, the not equal sign is utilized in different forms of symbols like <, >, ≥, ≤.now we will discuss how these symbols can give the meaning of not equality.

Greater than (>)

This symbol is called the greater than symbol, and it is used in various comparative situations while comparing two unequal values or equations. The value written on the left side of the sign is greater than the value written on the right side of the sign. This sign shows that the two things on either side of the symbol are not equal. In this way, it gives the meaning of the (≠) symbol.

Smaller than (<)

This sign is commonly known as "smaller than" and is used when we have to show that the value on the left side of the sign is smaller than the value on the right side. Since it also shows the un-equality of two things, it gives the reflection of the not equal sign.

Greater than or equal to (≥)

Greater than or equal to sign, as its name indicates that the value on the left side of the symbol is either equal to or greater than the value on the right side of the sign. In this situation, there is a probability that both the values may or may not be equal to each other.

Smaller than or equal to (≤)

Smaller than or equal to sign can be used in the sense of not equal sign because the value on the left side of the symbol can be equal to or smaller than the value on the right side of the sign. A left-handed thing can't be greater than the right-handed value.


Conclusively, among the most basic and important signs and symbols in mathematics, not equal sign deserves a unique place, owing to the diversity of its usage and forms. We would not be able, how and when to use properly the not equal sign if we don't know its usage, its variant signs, its importance, and its applications at different levels in mathematics. In mathematical professionalism, it is necessary and most basic to have a thorough knowledge of all signs and symbols.

The significance of understanding of not equal sign, its utilization, how to type it in different software, and codes of not equal symbol can't be neglected in this modern and competitive era. If someone wants to have a full understanding of not equal sign, then the above-discussed tips and knowledge can give a thorough understanding of not equal symbol. It will teach everything from A to Z about not equal sign in moths, how to use it appropriately in different situations, it is coding in different computer languages, and how to type it on various platforms. In short, after reading this article, you can't say that something is amiss in it about not equal sign.