Net Percentage Increase or Decrease Calculator is a free online tool for calculating net increase percentage or net decrease percentage. It can be multiple percent increases, multiple percent decreases, or a mix of percent increases and percent decreases.
What is the net percentage increase or decrease?
The net percentage increase or decrease is the percentage change relative to the original number after multiple changes. This is quite different from percent change and percentage of percentages.
For example, a number is increased by 10% and then increased by 20%. What is the net increase percent?
Let the number be X.
Two increase percentages need to be calculated here, let’s go step by step.
In the first step, the number is increased by 10%.
X + X * 10% = X + 0.1X = 1.1X
The second step is based on the first step, which is increased by 20%.
1.1X + 1.1X * 20% = 1.1X + 1.1X * 0.2 = 1.1X + 0.22X = 1.32X
So, after two increments, the final number is 1.32X. The net increase percent is
1.32X – XX = 0.32XX = 0.32 = 32%
The final result is larger than the original number.
Make a change to the above example.
A number is increased by 10%, then decreased by 20% and finally increased by 5%. What is the net increase or decrease percent?
Same as above.
Suppose this number is X.
The first step, increased by 10%.
X + X * 10% = X + 0.1X = 1.1X
Second step, decreased by 20%.
1.1X – 1.1X * 20% = 1.1X – 1.1X * 0.2 = 1.1X – 0.22X = 0.88X
Third step, increased by 5%.
0.88X + 0.88X * 5% = 0.88X + 0.88X * 0.05 = 0.88X + 0.044X = 0.924X
After 3 changes, the result is 0.924X. The net change percent is
0.924X – XX = -0.076XX = -0.076 = -7.6%
The net percentage is less than 0. That means this is a net percentage decrease. The final result is smaller than the original number. Although, there were two percentage increases and only one percent decrease.
Therefore, when calculating the net percentage change, we cannot judge only by the number of percentage increases and decreases.
Another example, a number is first increased by 25% and then decreased by 25%. What is the net increase or decrease in percent?
Again, follow the steps above.
Increased by 25%
X + X * 25% = X + 0.25X = 1.25X
Decreased by 25%
1.25X – 1. 25X * 25% = 1.25X – 1.25X * 0.25 = 1.25X – 0.3125X = 0.9375X
The net percent is
0.9375X – XX = -0.0625XX = -0.0625 = -6.25%
This is a net percentage decrease.
It can be seen that although the increase percentage is the same as the decrease percentage, the final result is not the same as the original number. Usually, less than the original number.
After calculating the net percent increase or decrease, you can easily calculate What is percent of Y or Percent of what is X.
For example, if the number 150 is increased by 20% and then increased by 30%, what is the final result?
150 increased by 20%.
150 + 150 * 20% = 150 + 150 * 0.2 = 150 + 30 = 180
Then increased by 30%.
180 + 180 * 30% = 180 + 180 * 0.3 = 180 + 54 = 234
So, the final result is 234. The increased value is 234 – 150 = 84.
Solved examples using the net percentage increase or decrease calculator
Percentage increase twice
Example 1: A number is increased by 20% and then increased by 30%. What is the net increase percent?
Enter 20 30 in the input box.
Then click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, the net increase percent is 56%.

Percentage decrease twice
Example 2: A number is decreased by 40% and then decreased by 30%. What is the net decrease percent?
Enter -40 -30 in the input box.
Then click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, the net decrease percent is -58%.

Percent increase and decrease mix
Example 3: A number is increased by 10%, then decreased by 5%, then increased by 15% and finally decreased by 20%. What is the net increase or decrease in percent?
Enter 10 -5 15 -20 in the input box.
Then click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, the result is net decrease percent -3.86%.

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