Welcome to the improper fraction to mixed fraction calculator, where you can easily convert improper fractions into mixed fractions.
What are improper fractions and mixed fractions?
An Improper fraction is a form of a fraction, the main feature is that the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. In other words, the fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator is called an improper fraction. Obviously, the value of the improper fraction is greater than or equal to 1. In contrast, a fraction whose numerator is smaller than the denominator is called a proper fraction. Such as, 85 is an improper fraction. 58 is a proper fraction.
A mixed fraction is also a form of an improper fraction, which is a fraction composed of integers and proper fractions. For example, 523 is a mixed fraction, the integer part is 5, and the proper fraction is 23. There is a one-to-one correspondence between mixed fractions and improper fractions. Mixed fractions can be converted into improper fractions, and improper fractions can also be converted into mixed fractions. Next, let’s look at how to convert improper fractions into mixed fractions.
How to convert improper fractions into mixed fractions?
To convert an improper fraction into a mixed fraction, divide the numerator of the improper fraction by the denominator. The integer part of the quotient is the whole number of mixed fraction, and the remainder is the numerator part of mixed fraction. The denominator of mixed fraction is the same as the denominator of improper fraction. If the remainder is 0, it means that the numerator can be divided by the denominator, so the value of this improper fraction is an integer.
For example
Convert 173 into a mixed fraction.
The quotient of 17 divided by 3 is 5, and the remainder is 2, so the mixed fraction form of 173 is 523.
Convert 405 into a mixed fraction.
The quotient of dividing 40 by 5 is 8, and the remainder is 0, so 405 is an integer.
How to use improper fraction to mixed fraction calculator
The process of using the improper fraction to the mixed fraction calculator is very simple. Enter the numerator and denominator of the improper fraction, then click the calculate button. The entire operation process will be completed within a few seconds, and the answer will appear immediately. If you need to calculate different false scores, click the reset button first, then re-enter the values.
Solved examples using improper fraction to mixed fraction calculator
What is 72 as a mixed fraction?
- Enter 7 into the numerator value input box.
- Enter 2 into the denominator value input box
- Click calculate button.
As the picture shows, the mixed fraction of 72 is 312.

What is 154 as a mixed fraction?
- Enter 15 into the numerator value input box.
- Enter 4 into the denominator value input box
- Click calculate button.
As the picture shows, the mixed fraction of 154 is 334.

What is 283 as a mixed fraction?
- Enter 28 into the numerator value input box.
- Enter 3 into the denominator value input box
- Click calculate button.
As the picture shows, the mixed fraction of 283 is 913.

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