Welcome to the fraction to ratio calculator, where you can easily convert fractions into ratios, including improper fractions and mixed fractions.
What are fractions and ratios
Fractions contain a set of numbers, the numerator and denominator. The numerator is the top number, which illustrates the relationship of a part to the whole unit. This whole unit is called the denominator, or the bottom number.
Ratios are very similar to fractions in the sense that it also has a set of two numbers being compared to each other. Ratios can be written in form of fractions, but they are expressed traditionally as a set of numbers, separated by a colon symbol.
The one other difference between a fraction and a ratio is that the two members of a fraction has a dash (-) or slash (/) between them, and the two members of a ratio have a colon (:) between them.
Obviously, fractions and ratios are complementary in the field of Mathematics. This is because both of them represent a relationship between two numbers. So, they can be converted to each other. In another article, we have introduced how to convert ratios to fractions. Here, we will introduce how to convert fractions to ratios.
How to convert fractions to ratios
Understanding the relationship between fractions and ratios is easy. In mathematics, these two are the same. They are only used to describe different situations due to unwritten laws. Fractions are ordinarily used to compare 2 independent numbers, but are also sometimes used as parts of a whole.
Consider a pie that has 6 slices 1 of which has already been eaten. Therefore, it is safe to write 16 of the pie has been consumed. The ratio between the eaten slice and the unconsumed slices is 1:6.
To convert the fraction 16 to a ratio, write down the top number (numerator) first, then write a colon. The colon separates the two numbers. Last step is to write down the bottom number (denominator). In the above example, the fraction of 16 is 1:6.
in a fruit basket, there are 12 apples and 10 oranges
1222 of the fruits are apples
12:10 apples to oranges ratio
12:22 apples to total fruits ratio
It is important that you decide which ratio and fraction combination you want to use the tool for. If the fraction expresses a part of the whole, then you have to subtract the numerator to get the undescribed part of the set. See the example below.
1222 of the fruits are apples; 1022 of the fruits are oranges
Apples : oranges = 12 : (22-12) = 12:10 = 6:5
Oranges : apples = 10 : (22-10) = 10:12 = 5:6
How to use the fraction to ratio calculator
It is not difficult to use the fraction to ratio calculator as the conversion process is very simple. The calculator can be used to convert proper, improper, and mixed fractions to ratios.
For proper/improper fractions, enter the numbers in the input fields numerator value, and the denominator value on the right.
Then click the calculate button. The calculator will do the Math and provide a simplified number ratio in the ratio fields. You can click the Reset button to clear the values.
If you want to convert mixed fractions to ratio, this is also possible with the fraction to ratio calculator, except that there will be three input fields: the whole number, the numerator value, and the denominator value. Put the appropriate numbers in each field, then click the calculate button. Next, let’s look at some examples.
Solved examples using fraction to ratio calculator
Convert proper fractions to ratios
For example, What is 38 as a ratio?
- Enter 3 into the numerator value input box.
- Enter 8 into the denominator value input box.
- Click calculate button.
As the picture shows, the ratio of 38 is 3:8.

Convert improper fractions to ratios
For example, What is the ratio of 85?
- Enter 8 into the numerator value input box.
- Enter 5 into the denominator value input box.
- Click calculate button.
As the picture shows, the ratio of 85 is 8:5.

Convert mixed fractions to ratios
For example, What is 123 as a ratio?
- Enter 1 into the whole number input box.
- Enter 2 into the numerator value input box.
- Enter 3 into the denominator value input box.
- Click calculate button.
As the picture shows, the ratio of 123 is 5:3.

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