Welcome to use fraction to percent calculator, where you can easily convert fractions into percentages. First, we need to understand what is a fraction? A fraction indicates how many fractions of a number is another, or the ratio of an event to all events. Divide the unit 1 into several equal parts, which means that the number of such one or several parts is called a fraction. The numerator is at the top and the denominator is at the bottom. When the denominator is a special case of 100, it can be written as a percentage. So fractions and percentages can be converted to each other.
How to convert fractions into percentages?
Converting fractions to percentages is very simple, just go through 3 steps:
- First convert the fraction to a decimal number. Yes, just divide the numerator by the denominator.
- Convert the decimal number into a percent. Two methods are usually used. One is to directly multiply by 100, and the other is to move the decimal point to the right by 2 digits. For details, see decimal to percentage calculator.
- Add the percentage symbol to the back of the number.
The above is the manual conversion step of fraction to percentage, or you can try to find the answer quickly through the fraction to percent calculator we provided above.
Solved examples using fraction to percent calculator
Convert fraction to percent
Example 1: What is the percentage of 12?
Enter 1 into the numerator input box, enter 2 into the denominator input box, and the whole number input box does not need to be entered. Then click calculate button. You will see the answer is 50%. So, the percentage of 12 is 50%.
Or follow the three steps above to calculate manually
= 1 / 2
= 0.5
= 50%
Consistent with the answer calculated by the calculator.

Convert mixed fraction to percent
Example 2: What is the percentage of 238?
Enter 2 into the whole number input box, enter 3 into the numerator input box, and enter 8 into the denominator input box. Then click calculate button. You will see the answer is 237.5%. So, the percentage of 238 is 237.5%.
Please note that for manual calculation, you must first convert the mixed fraction into ordinary fraction, then follow the three steps above.
= 198
= 19 / 8
= 237.5%
Consistent with the answer calculated by the calculator.

Convert improper fraction to percent
Example 3: What is the percentage of 125?
Same as Example 1, the answer calculated by fraction to percent calculator is 240%. So, the percentage of 125 is 240%.
Or follow the three steps above to calculate manually
= 12 / 5
= 240%
Consistent with the answer calculated by the calculator.

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