Welcome to the free online calculator to find two prime numbers by a given sum. For example, what are two prime numbers whose sum is 99?
How to find two prime numbers based on a given sum
First, what are prime numbers?
A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 with no factors other than 1 and itself. Prime and Composite Number Checker help you quickly verify prime numbers.
So, how to find two prime numbers by a given sum?
This is a very tricky question. First, find all prime numbers from 1 to the sum. Then, calculate whether the sum of the two prime numbers is equal to the sum. As you can imagine, it took a lot of work to find the answer.
For example, What two prime numbers sum up to 32?
First, find all prime numbers from 1 to 32. There are a total of 11 prime numbers:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31
Second, calculate the sum of two prime numbers, 11 prime numbers share 55 combinations, which are:
2 + 3 = 5
2 + 5 = 7
2 + 7 = 9
2 + 11 = 13
2 + 13 = 15
2 + 17 = 19
2 + 19 = 21
2 + 23 = 25
2 + 29 = 31
2 + 31 = 33
3 + 5 = 8
3 + 7 = 10
3 + 11 = 14
3 + 13 = 16
3 + 17 = 20
3 + 19 = 22
3 + 23 = 26
3 + 29 = 32
3 + 31 = 34
5 + 7 = 12
5 + 11 = 16
5 + 13 = 18
5 + 17 = 22
5 + 19 = 24
5 + 23 = 28
5 + 29 = 34
5 + 31 = 36
7 + 11 = 18
7 + 13 = 20
7 + 17 = 24
7 + 19 = 26
7 + 23 = 30
7 + 29 = 36
7 + 31 = 38
11 + 13 = 24
11 + 17 = 28
11 + 19 = 30
11 + 23 = 34
11 + 29 = 40
11 + 31 = 42
13 + 17 = 30
13 + 19 = 32
13 + 23 = 36
13 + 29 = 42
13 + 31 = 44
17 + 19 = 36
17 + 23 = 40
17 + 29 = 46
17 + 31 = 48
19 + 23 = 42
19 + 29 = 48
19 + 31 = 50
23 + 29 = 52
23 + 31 = 54
29 + 31 = 60
we can get the answer of two prime numbers adding up to 32 is 3 and 29 or 13 and 19.
Is it troublesome? This sum is still a small number. Imagine, if you wanted to calculate the sum of two prime numbers is 5000 or 50000. What should you do? It can’t be solved by manual calculation at all.
Therefore, you desperately need a helper tool to do the job. Find Two Prime Numbers by Sum Calculator is designed to solve such problems, the calculator omits all steps and gives the answer in milliseconds.
Next, we will introduce how to use the calculator.
How to use the calculator to find two prime numbers
Using the calculator is simple, follow these 2 steps:
- Enter the sum in the input box.
- Click Calculate button to get the answer, or click Reset button to start a new calculation.
Next, let’s look at some examples.
Solved examples using the find two prime numbers by sum calculator
Example 1: What are two prime numbers whose sum is 2001?
Enter 2001 in the input box.
Then click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, the two prime numbers are 2 and 1999.
2 + 1999 = 2001

Example 2: The sum of two prime numbers is 302, What are the prime numbers?
Enter 302 in the input box.
Then click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, the two prime numbers are (19, 283) or (31, 271) or (61, 241) or (73, 229) or (79, 223) or (103, 199) or (109, 193) or (139, 163).
19 + 283 = 302
31 + 271 = 302
61 + 241 = 302
73 + 229 = 302
79 + 223 = 302
103 + 199 = 302
109 + 193 = 302
139 + 163 = 302

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