Find Two Prime Numbers by Product Calculator is a free online tool used to find two prime numbers by a given product. For example, the product of two prime numbers is 156, what are the two prime numbers?
How to find two prime numbers based on a given product
First, what are prime numbers?
A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 with no factors other than 1 and itself. Prime and Composite Number Checker help you quickly verify prime numbers.
So, how to find two prime numbers by a given product?
There are two methods, one is the enumeration method and the other is the factor pairs method.
Method 1: Enumeration Method
Similar to finding two prime numbers based on their sum. First, find all prime numbers from 1 to the product. Then, calculate whether the product of the two prime numbers is equal to the product. As you can imagine, it took a lot of work to find the answer.
For example, What are two prime numbers whose product is 39?
First, find all prime numbers from 1 to 39. There are a total of 12 prime numbers
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37
Second, calculate the product of two prime numbers, 12 prime numbers share 66 combinations, which is too much work. If you are interested, you can calculate them one by one.
Next, let’s look at the second method.
Method 2: Factor Pairs Method
Take the example above.
Because the product of two prime numbers is 39. So, these two prime numbers must be factors of 39, a pair of factors.
Therefore, we can calculate the factor pairs of 39 first. Then, find the pair of factors that are all prime numbers.
With the find all factors calculator, we can easily get the factor pairs of 39 are
(1, 39), (3, 13)
Next, find factor pairs are all prime numbers.
Because the prime number must be greater than 1, so 1 is eliminated.
Since 3 and 13 are all prime numbers, the answer is 3 and 13.
3 * 13 = 39
Obviously, method two will be simpler than method one. However, both methods 1 and 2 require a series of calculations. If you hate calculations, it is recommended to use the Find Two Prime Numbers by Product Calculator on the page directly, enter the number and you can get the answer immediately.
Next, we will introduce how to use the calculator.
How to use the calculator to find two prime numbers by a given product
Using the calculator is simple, follow these 2 steps:
- Enter the product in the input box.
- Click Calculate button to get the answer, or click Reset button to start a new calculation.
Next, let’s look at some examples.
Solved examples using the find two prime numbers by product calculator
Example 1: What are two prime numbers whose product is 85?
Enter 85 in the input box.
Then click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, the two prime numbers are 5 and 17.
5 * 17 = 85
Example 2: What are two prime numbers whose product is 302?
Enter 302 in the input box.
Then click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, the two prime numbers are 2 and 151.
2 * 151 = 302
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