Welcome to the Find Number by Percentage Calculator. Here, you can calculate various numbers based on percentages, including
- What is percent of Y
- Percent of what is X
- Percent of what is X, then percent of the number
- What plus percent is Y
- X plus percent is what
- What minus percent is Y
- X minus percent is what
Next, let’s take a look at the specific functions.
What is percent of Y
Let’s start with the most basic formula for percentages, X is what percent of Y? The formula is
P% = XY
Now, the problem has changed, what is percent of Y? This means we want to calculate X in the formula. Multiply both sides of the formula by Y, we can get the formula for what is percent of Y is
X = Y * P%
For example: what is 20% of 50?
Calculation steps:
- Substitute Y = 50 and P = 20 into the formula: X = 50 * 20%
- Convert percentage to decimal. 20% = 20/100 = 0.2
- Calculate the product of two numbers: X = 50 * 0.2 = 10
- So, the number is 10.
20% of 50 is 10.
Percent of what is X
Similar to the question above, now we want to calculate the value of Y. The formula for percent of what is X is
Y = XP%
Among them, X and P are given numbers.
For example: 60% of what is 90?
Calculation steps:
- Put X = 90 and P = 60 into the formula: Y = 9060%
- Convert percentage to decimal. 60% = 60100 = 0.6
- Divide 90 by 0.6. 900.6 = 150.
- Thus, the number is 150.
60% of 150 is 90.
Percent of what is X, then percent of the number
Percent of What, Then Percent Calculator
This is a combination of two problems. The first is Percent of what is X. The second is What is percent of Y. Here Y is the number calculated in the first question. In other words, calculate the number first, then calculate the percentage of that number.
Combining the above two formulas, a new formula can be obtained.
Z = X * P2%P1%
For example: If 60% of a number is 150, what is 30% of the number?
Calculation steps:
- Substitute X = 150, P1 = 60 and P2 = 30 into the formula: Z = 150 * 30%60%
- Calculate the value of the numerator. 150 * 30% = 150 * 0.3 = 45.
- Divide the denominator by 100 to convert it to a decimal. 60% = 60 * 100 = 0.6
- Divide the numerator by the denominator. 450.6 = 75.
- So, the number is 75.
If 60% of a number is 150, then 30% of the number is 75.
What plus percent is Y
Let the number and the percentage be X and P%. X is the number to be calculated and P is the given percentage.
Now, we can get an equation.
X + X * P% = Y
Simplify the equation
X + X * P% = Y
X (1 + P%) = Y
X = Y1 + P%
This is the formula for What plus percent is Y.
For example: What Plus 30% is 104?
Calculation steps:
- Put P = 30 and Y = 104 into the formula. X = 1041 + 30%.
- Convert percentage to decimal. 30% = 30100 = 0.3
- Substitute 0.3 into the equation in the first step. X = 1041 + 0.3.
- Calculation results. X = 1041 + 0.3 = 1041.3 = 80.
- So, the number is 80.
80 plus 30% is 104.
X plus percent is what
Contrary to What plus percent is Y. Here, we want to calculate the value of Y.
According to the above derivation process, we know that the formula for X plus percent is what is
Y = X (1 + P%)
For example: 60 Plus 20% is what?
Calculation steps:
- Substitute X = 60 and P = 30 into the formula. Y = 60 * (1 + 20%)
- Convert percentage to decimal. 20% = 20100 = 0.2
- Calculate the value of Y. Y = 60 * (1 + 0.2) = 60 * 1.2 = 72
- So, the number is 72.
60 plus 20 percent is 72.
What minus percent is Y
The case of adding a percentage is discussed above, and the case of subtracting a percentage is discussed below.
What minus percent is Y?
Let the number and the percentage be X and P%.
X – X * P% = Y
X (1 – P%) = Y
X = Y1 – P%
The formula for what minus percent is Y is
X = Y1 – P%
For example: what minus 45% is 110?
Calculation steps:
- Substitute P = 45 and Y = 110 into the formula. X = 1101 – 45%
- Calculate the value of the numerator. 1 – 45% = 1 – 0.45 = 0.55.
- 110 divided by 0.55. 1100.55 = 200
- Thus, the number is 200.
200 minus 45 percent is 110.
X minus percent is what
Obviously, the derivation process of X minus percent is what has been implemented in What minus percent is Y.
So, the formula is
Y = X (1 – P%)
For example: 60 minus 20% is what?
Calculation steps:
- Substitute X = 60 and P = 20 into the formula. Y = 60 * (1 – 20%)
- Calculate the value in parentheses. 1 – 20% = 1 – 0.2 = 0.8
- Calculate the product of 60 and 0.8. 60 * 0.8 = 48.
- Thus, the number is 48.
60 minus 20 percent is 48.
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