Welcome to use the decimal to percent calculator, where you can easily convert decimal numbers to percentage numbers. Decimal numbers are the 10-based numbers that we commonly use daily, including whole numbers and decimals. Percent is expressed as a number or ratio of 100 fractions. Usually expressed in %.
How to convert decimal to percent?
Now, let’s look at how to convert decimal numbers into percentages? In fact, it is very simple, usually there are two ways:
Method 1: Regardless of whether it is a whole number or decimal, just multiply it by 100. Please remember to add the percentage sign after the conversion is complete. For example, 0.5 = 0.5 * 100% = 50%.
Method 2: Move 2 decimal points to the right. There are three situations:
- If there are 2 or more decimals after the decimal point, then just move the decimal point two digits to the right.
- There is only 1 decimal place after the decimal point, such as 2.3, then the decimal point moves 2 digits to the right, and 0 must be added after the data, such as: 2.3 -> 23 -> 230%
- When there is no decimal point, that is to say, the number to be converted is a whole number, then just add two zeros directly afterwards, such as: 5 -> 500%
As with the first method, remember to add the percentage symbol after the conversion, which is the correct result.
Solved examples using decimal to percent calculator
Convert more than two-digit decimal to percent
For example, convert 0.375 to percent
Method 1, multiply 100
0.375 = 0.375 * 100% = 37.5%
Method 2, move 2 decimal points to the right.
0.375 -> 3.75 -> 37.5 -> 37.5%
So, 0.375 = 37.5%

Convert two-digit decimal to percent
For example, convert 0.25 to percent
Method 1, multiply 100
0.25 = 0.25 * 100% = 25%
Method 2, move 2 decimal points to the right.
0.25 -> 2.5 -> 25 -> 25%
So, 0.25 = 25%

Convert one-digit decimal to percent
For example, convert 0.3 to percent
Method 1, multiply 100
0.3 = 0.3 * 100% = 30%
Method 2, move 1 decimal points to the right and add zero after the data.
0.3 -> 3 -> 30 -> 30%
So, 0.3 = 30%

Convert whole number to percent
For example, convert 12 to percent
Method 1, multiply 100
12 = 12 * 100% = 120%
Method 2, Add two zeros directly after the number.
12 -> 1200 -> 1200%
So, 12 = 1200%

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