Odious Number Calculator
Check if the number is an odious number. For example, Is 444 an odious number?
Bell Number Calculator
Find out the number of ways to divide a set into subsets. For example, How many ways of Bell number 8?
Automorphic Number Calculator
Check if the number is an automorphic number. For example, Is 25 an automorphic number?
Lucky Number Calculator
Check if the number is a lucky number. Such as, Is 805 a lucky number?
Happy Number Calculator
Check if the number is a happy number or an unhappy number. For example, Is 2023 a happy number?
Perfect Square Trinomial Checker
Check if a trinomial is a perfect square trinomial. For example, Is x^2 + 14x + 49 a perfect square trinomial
Squarefree Integer Calculator
Check if a number is a squarefree integer. For example, Is 25 a squarefree integer?
Prime and Composite Number Checker
Check the number is prime or composite. Such as, is 88 prime or composite?
Sphenic Number Calculator
Check if a number is a sphenic number. For example, Is 60 a sphenic number?
Highly Composite Number Calculator
Check if a number is a highly composite number. For example, Is 360 a highly composite number?
Relatively Prime Calculator
Check if two numbers are relatively prime. For example, Are 46 and 105 relatively prime?
Twin Prime Calculator
Check if two numbers are twin prime. Such as, Is 31 and 33 a twin prime?