Exponents Calculator
Free online calculator used to calculate the value of exponents, such as: calculate the value of 2 exponent 10?
Ordering Fractions Calculator
Sort fractions from smallest to largest or largest to smallest in seconds, such as: sort 2/5, 3/8, 7/10, 1/4 from largest to smallest.
3 or More Fractions Calculator
Free calculator for adding subtracting multiplying and dividing 3 or more fractions, such as: the sum of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5
Simplifying Fractions Calculator
Simplifying a given fraction with steps, such as: convert 20/8 to simplest form.
LCM Calculator
Free online tool that easily computes the least common multiple of 2 or more integers, such as: find the LCM of 12, 15 and 75.
GCD Calculator
Free online tool that easily computes the greatest common divisor of 2 or more integers, such as: find the GCD of 42 and 70.
Comparing Fractions Calculator
Find out which is larger and which is smaller between two fractions, such as: Which one is greater, 1/2 or 1/3?
Subtracting Fractions Calculator
Calculate the difference between two fractions, such as: 1/2 - 1/3
Sum of Five Consecutive Integers Calculator
Calculate the sum of five consecutive integers, for example, the sum of 5 consecutive integers starting from 100.
Sum of Four Consecutive Integers Calculator
Calculate the sum of four consecutive integers, for example, the sum of 4 consecutive integers starting from 50.
Sum of Fractions Calculator
Calculate the sum of two fractions including same denominator or different denominators, for example: What is the sum of 7/4 and 1/3?