The Bell Number Calculator is a free online tool for finding out the number of ways to divide a set into subsets.
What is a Bell number?
Bell number is the number of ways a set of n numbers can be partitioned into subsets.
Bell number is indicated as Bn, where n is the integer for which the number of subsets is calculated.
For example
B0 = 1 because empty set only one subset can be created.
B1 = 1 as only one subset can be created for a single integer.
B2 = 2 as 2 partitions can be created for 2 integers.
The bell number for set of integers {3, 4} is 2. The subsets are {{3}, {4}} and {3,4}.
First 20 Bell numbers
- B0 = 1
- B1 = 1
- B2 = 2
- B3 = 5
- B4 = 15
- B5 = 52
- B6 = 203
- B7 = 877
- B8 = 4140
- B9 = 21147
- B10 = 115975
- B11 = 678570
- B12 = 4213597
- B13 = 27644437
- B14 = 190899322
- B15 = 1382958545
- B16 = 10480142147
- B17 = 82864869804
- B18 = 682076806159
- B19 = 5832742205057
How to use the Bell number calculator
The procedure to use the Bell number calculator is as follows:
- Please enter an integer n between 0-100.
- Click the Calculate button to calculate the number of ways to divide into subsets.
- Click the Reset button to start a new calculation.
Solved examples using the Bell number calculator
Example 1: How many ways of Bell number 8?
Enter 8 into the input box and click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, there are 4140 ways to divide a set of 8 numbers into subsets.
B8 = 4140

Example 2: How many ways are there to divide a set of 50 numbers into subsets?
Enter 50 into the input box and click Calculate button, as shown in the figure, there are 185724268771078270438257767181908917499221852770 ways to subset a set of 50 numbers.
B50 = 185724268771078270438257767181908917499221852770

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