Welcome to use the adding subtracting multiplying and dividing 3 or more fractions calculator. As you can guess from the name of the calculator, the following 4 problems can be easily solved here:
- Sum of 3 or more fractions
- Subtraction of 3 or more fractions
- Product of 3 or more fractions
- Division of 3 or more fractions
3 or more fractions calculation
Supports mixed fractions, decimals and negative numbers. Whole number can be empty, please enter according to actual needs.
How to use adding subtracting multiplying and dividing 3 or more fractions calculator
As we all know, fractions include proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed fractions. So in order to support the calculation of mixed fractions, we specially reserved the whole number input field when designing this calculator. If it is a mixed fraction, enter the whole number part, numerator and denominator into the corresponding input boxes respectively. If it is a proper fraction or an improper fraction, just enter the numerator and denominator, leaving the whole number input box blank. If the calculation of integers or decimals is involved, enter the integers or decimals into the whole number input box without entering numerators and denominators. Of course, don’t forget to choose the type of calculation first: adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.
The calculator displays 3 fractions by default. If you want to calculate more fractions, just click “add more fractions”.
After input, click the “Calculate” button to get the final result, the calculation process is completed in a few seconds. Press the “Reset” button to prepare for another calculation. Let’s take a few examples to see how this calculator is used.
Solved examples using adding subtracting multiplying and dividing 3 or more fractions calculator
Example 1: The sum of 12, 13, 25 and 38.
To calculate the sum of 4 fractions, only 3 fractions are provided by default, so click “Add more fractions” first. Then, select calculation type “Adding” and enter the numbers into the corresponding input boxes, as shown in the figure. Finally click the Calculate button, you can see that their sum is 193120.

Example 2: The sum of 35, 223 and 6.5.
It is also the sum of fractions. In this example, mixed fraction and decimals are included. When entering decimals, both the numerator and denominator are blank (No input required). As shown in the figure, enter the relevant numbers and click the calculate button. Finally, you can get the answer of their sum is 29330, converted to a mixed fraction is 92330.

Example 3: The product of 12 and 13.
Multiplication of two fractions, same as multiplying fractions calculator which easily solves 12 questions.
- First, select calculation type “Multiplying”.
- Second, enter 1 into the first fraction numerator and input 2 into the first fraction denominator.
- Third, enter 1 into the second fraction numerator and input 3 into the second fraction denominator.
- Finally, all the fields of the third fraction do not need to be entered, just click the Calculate button.
As shown in the figure, the product of 12 and 13 is 16.

Example 4: The product of 314, 58 and 5.
As in example 2, with a mixed fraction and an integer. Similarly, enter relevant numbers and click calculate. As shown in the figure, the product of them is 314 * 58 * 5 = 32532 = 10532.

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